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Size guide

Ring Sizer
Find your perfect fit

Finding your ring size is a straightforward process that can be done at home using a few simple methods. Here are few common ways to determine your ring size:

Find your ring size by measuring the ring you have

Patarimas: Žiedo vidinis apskritimas turi kuo tiksliau sutapti su popieriuje esančiu apskritimu. Jei jūsų žiedas uždengia tamsesnę apskritimo liniją, reikėtų rinktis mažesnį žiedo dydį

Find your ring size by measuring your finger

Patarimas: dydis turėtų būti matuojamas šiek tiek tvirčiau apspaudus juostelę. Jei jūsų dydis nurodytas tarp dviejų skaičių, rekomenduojame rinktis didesnį žiedo dydį.

Don't have a printer?

No problem, here are some more ways to find your ring size

Measure with thread

You will need a ruler and thread:

1. Wrap the thread around your finger

2. Tie the thread so that it does not pinch your finger, but also so that the thread does not hang freely

3. Cut the tied thread right next to the knot

4. Using a ruler, measure the length of the thread from the knot to the end of the thread line

5. Compare the resulting length with the dimensions given in the table. The closest number to the length you got would be your ring size.


You will need a ruler and any paper strip:

1. Wrap the paper strip around your finger (the tape should be tight)

2. Mark the place where the strip intersects with a pen

3. Measure the tape with the ruler. Select the nearest length according to the table provided. The closest number would be your ring size.

Measure with ruler and ring

You will need a ruler and ring:

Select a ring from your collection that fits the finger for which you need the ring size

Place the chosen ring on a flat surface. Use a ruler with millimeter measurements to measure the inside diameter of the ring

Measure from the inside edge of the ring on one side to the inside edge on the opposite side. Make sure you're measuring the widest part of the ring, not including any decorative edges

Once you have the diameter measurement in millimeters, you can use a ring size chart to determine your ring size. Find the diameter measurement on the chart and match it to the corresponding ring size